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Mary Williams (1903-2000)

Novels   |   Short Story Collections

Poetry Collections   |   Children's Books


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Published by Sentinel Publications, 1947
This book was originally printed under the pseudonym Mary Nethercot, her first married name. Williams' full maiden name was Winifred Mary Harvey, although she always went by the name Mary. After her first marriage to Gerald Nethercot was dissolved, she married again, to Bill Williams. By the time he passed away, Williams had become a successful and prolific writer of novels and short stories. The "Mary Williams" byline was, at this point, well established, and therefore kept for the remainder of her published career, even after she married for a third time, to Mike Lewis. The publisher William Kimber reprinted Louise in 1981, as by Mary Williams.

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Wild Heritage
Published by United Writers Publications, 1972

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The Dark Horseman
Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1978
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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The Wild One
Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1979
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Published by William Kimber, 1979
This book was reprinted in the U.S.A. as Gypsy Fires under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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The Proud Hunter
Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1980
This book is a sequel to The Dark Horseman and was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Published by William Kimber, 1980

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Return to Carnecrane
Published by William Kimber, 1981
This book was reprinted in the U.S.A. as Gypsy Legacy under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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The Tregallis Inheritance
Published by William Kimber, 1982
This book was reprinted in the U.S.A. as Stormswept under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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The Granite King
Published by William Kimber, 1982

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Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1982
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Published by William Kimber, 1983

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Castle Carnack
Published by William Kimber, 1983

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Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1983
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Merlake Towers
Published by William Kimber, 1984

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The Mistress of Blackstone
Published by William Kimber, 1984

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Published by William Kimber, 1985

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Folly's End
Published by William Kimber, 1985

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The Dark Tide of Love
Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1985
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Forest Heritage
Published by William Kimber, 1986
The cover image above is taken from a paperback omnibus edition published alongside Portrait of a Girl by Pan Books in 2002.

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Portrait of a Girl
Published by William Kimber, 1986

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Wild Enchantment
Published by Macdonald Futura Publications, 1986
This book was printed under the pseudonym Marianne Harvey.

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Stormy Heritage
Published by William Kimber, 1987

Destiny's Daughter
Published by William Kimber, 1987

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Dark Flame
Published by William Kimber, 1988

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The Secret Tower
Published by William Kimber, 1988

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Tangled Roots
Published by Piatkus Books, 1990
The cover image above is taken from the Magna Story Sound audiobook version that was published in 1993.

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Published by Piatkus Books, 1991

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The Bridge Between
Published by Piatkus Books, 1992

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Duke's Gold
Published by Piatkus Books, 1992

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The Velvet Glove
Published by Robert Hale, 1994

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This Above All
Published by Robert Hale, 1995

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Flowering Thorn
Published by Robert Hale, 1997

Short Story Collections

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The Dark Land: A Book of Cornish Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1975
This book contains the following short stories: "Possessed", "Far End", "Sea Magic", "Hickory-Dickory Dock", "Guppa", "Melody in a Minor Key", "The Dark Land", "The Game", "Obsession", "The Trip", "Laughter", "Initiation", "The Strange One", "The House of Children" and "Just Like Emma".

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Chill Company: Ghost Stories from Cornwall
Published by William Kimber, 1976
This book contains the following short stories: "The Coat", "The Beautiful Ones", "Tweedledum and Tweedledee", "Autumn Leaves", "Chill Company", "The Little Yellow Dog", "Witch Hollow", "Full Circle", "A Small Gnarled Man", "The Grove", "The Familiar", "Ben's Place", "Trog", "Scent of Roses", "Fragment of Time", "Trains", "The Blue Wig", "The Green Ones", "No Proof", "The Shadow" and "The Buccaneer".

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Where Phantoms Stir: Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1976
This book contains the following short stories: "Love Me, Love Me", "Julian and Jo", "Rustle of Spring", "Perfection", "Pink Knickers", "Where Phantoms Stir", "The Boat", "Nothing", "Widgett's End", "A Pinch of Salt?", "The Bad Land", "The Swing", "The Second Man", "No Dream", "Legend" and "Poor Kate".

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They Walk at Twilight: Stories of Ghosts and the Occult
Published by William Kimber, 1977
This book contains the following short stories: "They Walk at Twilight", "The Wish", "Mutton and Red Plush", "Earth Bound", "Coincidence", "On Haunted Feet", "The Grey Ones", "Whistling Annie", "Anniversary", "Humpty Dumpty", "The Experiment", "Herbie", "Granite Bones", "The Trespasser", "Crakka", "Kraten", "Wildmarch" and "A Real Trouper".

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Unseen Footsteps: Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1977
This book contains the following short stories: "Unseen Footsteps", "The Dark Thing", "Mrs. Throstle", "The Pit", "Pookan", "Perce and Charlie", "I'll Walk Beside You", "The Other House", "Rain", "The Wall", "Fear", "Birth of a Ghost", "The Other Side", "The Rock", "Green Man" and "Nemesis".

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The Haunted Valley and Other Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1978
This book contains the following short stories: "Four's Company", "The Haunted Valley", "Duty", "Falsies", "Never at Sunset", "Poor Joe", "The May Tree", "Snow Ballet", "The Unknown Shore", "Wait Till the Spring", "The Bell", "Time-Slip", "Todd's", "Haven't We Met Before?", "The Circle", "The Thingummyjig" and "Sitting Tenant".

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Where No Birds Sing: Stories of the Macabre
Published by William Kimber, 1978
This book contains the following short stories: "Georgie's Hat", "Where No Birds Sing", "The Eyes to See", "The Dark Lady", "Ginny's Coat", "The Statue", "Aunt Agatha", "Florrie's Long Johns" and "Requiem for Stella".

Whisper in the Night: Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1979
This book contains the following short stories: "Uneasy Territory", "The Life-Bringer", "Mouse", "The Chair", "Collision Course", "Hungry House", "Thalk", "Curtain Call", "Whisper in the Night", "The Haunted Bower", "The Walk", "Jane Emily", "The Wood", "Down the River" and "Dispossessed".

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The Dark God: A Novel of the Occult and Other Supernatural Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1980
The story "The Dark God" is a novel-length work, but I have elected to list it in this section because the following short stories are also included in this volume: "Never Go Back", "Shadow on the Snow", "Poppies in December", "In a Fog" and "The Road".

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Ghostly Carnival: Cornish Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1980
This book contains the following short stories: "The Witching Hour", "The Hole", "Exercise in the Macabre", "Miss Hinkley", "The Bird", "Ghostly Carnival", "No Ticket", "Maddgens", "The Wandering Woman", "Legions of the Dead", "The Medallion", "Anna", "There and Back", "The Hollow Walls", "Red Sandals" and "Green Child".

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The Haunted Garden: Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1986
This book contains the following short stories: "The Doll's House", "The Will", "Grey Chimneys", "Henry", "The Haunted Garden", "Holocaust", "Rags", "A Cornish Night", "The Apple Tree", "The Toupee", Deja Vu", "Incident in the Mist", "The Walk", "The Open Door", "Daisies", "Ghostly Encounter", "Great-Aunt Abigail" and "A Garden of Ghosts".

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Haunted Waters: Cornish Ghost Stories
Published by William Kimber, 1987
The story "Haunted Waters" is a novel-length work, but I have elected to list it in this section because the following short stories are also included in this volume: "Coppard's End", "The Eyes to See" and "Dorothea".

Ravenscarne and Other Ghost Stories
Published by Piatkus Books, 1991
The story "Ravenscarne" is a novel-length work, but I have elected to list it in this section because the following short stories are also included in this volume: "Lady in Grey", "The Blue Flower", "The Damned", "Tit-for-Tat", "The Stone Unicorn", "A Quick One" and "Desire".

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Creeping Fingers and Other Stories of the Occult
Published by Robert Hale, 1992
This book contains the following short stories: "Creeping Fingers", "Henry", "A Rare Specimen", "The Willow House", "Haunted", "A Jaunt Out", "Home", "The Golden Dragon", "Succubus", "They", "Blizzard", "Vis-a-Vis", "The Man with Six Thumbs", "The Pink Mushroom" and "Mister".

Trembling Shadows and Other Stories of the Occult
Published by Robert Hale, 1993
This book contains the following short stories: "Trembling Shadows", "The Haunted Dark", "The Rug", "Rosemary", "Crumplehorn", "Button", "The Lost Year", "Hungry Mountain", "The Blue Dress", "Walk into My Parlour", "A Sentimental Ghost" and "Not until Twilight".

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Time After Time and Other Stories
Published by Robert Hale, 1997
This book contains the following short stories: "Time After Time", "Fear", "The Echoing Dusk", "Naughty Nellie", "An Odd Affair", "The Traveller", "The River", "A True Story", "The Window", "The Nice Child" and "The Chair".

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The Secret Pool and Other Stories
Published by Robert Hale, 2000
This book contains the following short stories: "The Mole", "Haunted", "The Tall Men", "Girl Dancing", "The Last Time", "The Two Sisters", Mrs. Peabody and Mrs. Winkle", "Fog", "The Secret Pool", "Concerto", "Celebration Night", "Masterpiece", "Unknown Territory", "Witches at Work", "A Brief Flash" and "The Wish".

Please note that a number of Mary Williams' short stories also appeared in anthologies containing stories written by various authors. Most of these were reprints of stories previously published in book collections of her ghost fiction. However, the following stories were original to the publications in which they first appeared (details below):

"The Circle"
The Cornish Review, ed. Denys Val Baker, No. 4, Spring 1950
The Haunted Valley and Other Ghost Stories, William Kimber, 1978

"The Lost Ones"
Haunted Cornwall, ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1973

Undesirable Properties: Thirteen Haunted Houses, ed. Peter C. Smith, William Kimber, 1977
Ghostly Carnival: Cornish Ghost Stories, William Kimber, 1980

"No Ticket"
The Phantom Coach: Thirteen Journeys into the Unknown, ed. Peter C. Smith, William Kimber, 1979
Ghostly Carnival: Cornish Ghost Stories, William Kimber, 1980
65 Great Spine Chillers, ed. Mary Danby, St Michael/Octopus Books, 1982

"The Ferret"
After Midnight Stories, ed. Amy Myers, William Kimber, 1985

"Three of Us"
The Fourth Book of After Midnight Stories, ed. Amy Myers, William Kimber, 1988

"Christmas Rose"
Mystery for Christmas, ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara Books, 1990

Poetry Collections

Dreams of England, and Other Poems
Published by Arthur H. Stockwell, 1922
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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Nostalgia: Collected Verse from 1931 - 1993
Published by St. Ives Printing and Publishing Company, 1993

Children's Books

A.B.C. Painting Book
(publisher unknown) 1946
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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My Diary by Baby
Published by Sentinel Publications, 1946
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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Child of Coran
Published by Sentinel Publications, 1946
This is a 24-page chapbook and was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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The Duchess of Dimpleton
Published by Sentinel Publications, 1946
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

Beyond the Rainbow
Published by Sentinel Publications, 1946
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

Whose Birthday Is It?
Published by Sentinel Publications, 1947
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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The Story of Snoopy and Sally-Ann
Published by Dover Books, 1957
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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The Story of the Princess and Funniface
Published by Dover Books, 1957
This book was printed under the pseudonym Mary Harvey.

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Little Black Pigling
Published by Sea-Horse Publications, 1968

Please note that Mary Williams also provided the illustrations for her children's books.


Copyright © 2024 Richard Simms