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Arthur Sellings (1921-1968)
Novels | Collections | Short

Published by Ballantine Books, 1962
This book was reprinted as The Silent Speakers by Dennis Dobson in 1963.

The Uncensored Man
Published by Dennis Dobson, 1964

The Quy Effect
Published by Dennis Dobson, 1966

Published by Banner Books, 1967
This book was published under the pseudonym Ray Luther and was reprinted by Dennis Dobson
in 1969 as by Arthur Sellings; the author's real name was Arthur Gordon Ley.

The Power of X
Published by Dennis Dobson, 1968

Junk Day
Published by Dennis Dobson, 1970

Time Transfer and Other Stories
Published by Michael Joseph, 1956
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "The Age of
Kindness", "Jukebox", "Soliloquy", "The Proxies",
"The Figment", "Control Room", "Pentagram", "The
Wordless Ones", "Escape Mechanism", "The Boy Friends",
"Categorical Imperative", "Time Transfer", "The Haunting",
"From Up There", "The Awakening" and "A Start in Life".
A partial reprint of this collection was published by Compact Books in 1966. The following
short stories were omitted from the revised edition: "The Awakening", "The
Haunting", "Soliloquy", "Pentagram" and "The Boy

The Long Eureka
Published by Dennis Dobson, 1968
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Blank Form",
"The Scene Shifter", "One Across", "The Well-Trained
Heroes", "Homecoming", "The Long Eureka", "Verbal
Agreement", "Trade-In" and "Birthright".
Short Fiction
"The Haunting"
Authentic Science Fiction Monthly, No. 38, October 1953
Authentic Science Fiction Monthly (Canadian edition), No. 38, 1953
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
"The Boys from Vespis"
Galaxy, February 1954
"The Departed"
Galaxy, August 1954
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 22, 1955
"A Start in Life"
Galaxy, September 1954
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 23, 1955
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Introducing SF: A Science Fiction Anthology, ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Faber and
Faber, 1964
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
Young Star Travelers, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G.
Waugh, Harper & Row, 1986
"The Cautious Invaders"
Imagination, October 1954
Black Cat Weekly, No. 66, December 2022
"The Age of Kindness"
Galaxy, November 1954
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"The Mission"
A.D. 2500: The Observer Prize Stories 1954, William Heinemann, 1955
"The Figment"
Fantastic Universe, February 1955
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"Escape Mechanism"
Fantastic Universe, August 1955
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"The Proxies"
If, October 1955
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
Fantastic Universe, December 1955
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
More Tales of Unease, ed. John Burke, Pan Books, 1969
"The Category Inventors"
Galaxy, February 1956
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 37, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956 (this story is reprinted
here under the title "Categorical Imperative")
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966 (this story is reprinted
here under the title "Categorical Imperative")
Window on the Future, ed. Douglas Hill, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1966 (this story is
reprinted here under the title "Categorical Imperative")
"One Across"
Galaxy, May 1956
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 40, 1956
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"Cry Wolf"
Nebula Science Fiction, No. 17, 1956
"The Masters"
New Worlds, July 1956
"The Warriors"
New Worlds, August 1956
"Verbal Agreement"
Galaxy, September 1956
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 44, 1956
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
Nebula Science Fiction, No. 18, 1956
New Worlds, November 1956
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"Time Transfer"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"The Wordless Ones"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"Control Room"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
"From Up There"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Compact Books, 1966
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
Satellite Science Fiction, October 1958
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
"The Awakening"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
"The Boy Friends"
Time Transfer and Other Stories, Michael Joseph, 1956
"Brink of Madness"
Super-Science Fiction, April 1957
"Fresh Start"
New Worlds, July 1957
"Blank Form"
Galaxy, July 1958
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 66, 1958
The Fourth Galaxy Reader, ed. Horace L. Gold, Doubleday, 1959
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"The Shadow People"
New Worlds, July 1958
Beyond Time: Classic Tales of Time Unwound, ed. Mike Ashley, British Library
Publishing, 2019
New Worlds, November 1958
Science Fantasy, No. 32, December 1958
"For the Colour of His Hair"
New Worlds, January 1959
"The Tycoons"
Science Fiction Adventures (UK edition), Vol. 1, No. 6, 1959
"The Outstretched Hand"
New Worlds, May 1959
New Worlds (US edition), July 1960
The Best of New Worlds, ed. Michael Moorcock, Compact Books, 1965
"The Scene Shifter"
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 5, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine Books, 1959
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"The Long Eureka"
Science Fantasy, No. 36, August 1959
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"Starting Course"
New Worlds, January 1961
New Worlds (Canadian edition), No. 102, February 1961
The Best of British SF 2, ed. Mike Ashley, Orbit, 1977
"Gäst i huset"
Häpna!, March 1963
This short story was translated into Swedish for its inclusion in this magazine, which was
edited by Kjell Ekström and published by Grafiska Förlaget Kindberg & Söner. The
original, English language title of this story is not known.
"The Well-Trained Heroes"
Galaxy, June 1964
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"The Power of Y" (part one)
New Worlds, January 1965
SF Reprise 2, ed. Michael Moorcock, Compact Books, 1966 (this two-part serial was
printed as one novella for its inclusion in this anthology)
"The Power of Y" (part two)
New Worlds, February 1965
SF Reprise 2, ed. Michael Moorcock, Compact Books, 1966 (this two-part serial was
printed as one novella for its inclusion in this anthology)
"The Tinplate Teleologist"
Worlds of Tomorrow, September 1965
"Gifts of the Gods"
New Writings in SF 9, ed. John Carnell, Dennis Dobson, 1966
New Writings in SF 7, ed. John Carnell, Bantam Books, 1971
"That Evening Sun Go Down"
New Worlds, September 1966
Gods for Tomorrow, ed. Hans Stefan Santesson, Award Books, 1967
"The Key of the Door"
New Worlds and SF Impulse, April 1967
New Worlds Quarterly 2, ed. Michael Moorcock, Sphere Books, 1971
"The Last Time Around"
New Writings in SF 12, ed. John Carnell, Dennis Dobson, 1968
If, November/December 1970
World's Best Science Fiction: 1971, ed. Terry Carr & Donald A. Wollheim, Ace
Books, 1971
New Writings in SF 9, ed. John Carnell, Bantam Books, 1972
"Crack in the Shield"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1968
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
The Long Eureka, Dennis Dobson, 1968
"The Legend and the Chemistry"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1969
"The Dodgers"
Fantastic, April 1969
"The Trial"
New Writings in SF 15, ed. John Carnell, Dennis Dobson, 1969
Email: marks3789@gmail.com
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