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Margaret St. Clair (1911-1995)
Novels | Collections | Short

Agent of the Unknown
Published by Ace Books, 1956
This novel was first published in the February 1952 issue of Startling Stories,
under the title "Vulcan's Dolls".

The Green Queen
Published by Ace Books, 1956
This novel was first published in the March 1955 issue of Universe Science Fiction,
under the title "Mistress of Viridis".

The Games of Neith
Published by Ace Books, 1960

Sign of the Labrys
Published by Bantam Books, 1963

Message from the Eocene
Published by Ace Books, 1964
This novel was printed as part of an "Ace Double" edition alongside a selection
of St. Clair's short fiction entitled Three Worlds of Futurity, the latter
containing the following short stories and novelettes: "The Everlasting Food",
"Idris' Pig", "The Rages", "Roberta" and "The Island of
the Hands".

The Dolphins of Altair
Published by Dell Books, 1967

The Shadow People
Published by Dell Books, 1969

The Dancers of Noyo
Published by Ace Books, 1973

Three Worlds of Futurity
Published by Ace Books, 1964
This book was printed as part of an "Ace Double" edition alongside the novel
"Message from the Eocene" and contains the following short stories and
novelettes: "The Everlasting Food", "Idris' Pig", "The
Rages", "Roberta" and "The Island of the Hands".

Change the Sky and Other Stories
Published by Ace Books, 1974
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Change the Sky",
"Beaulieu", "Marriage Manual", "Age of Prophecy", "Then
Fly Our Greetings", "An Old-Fashioned Bird Christmas",
"Stawdust", "Thirsty God", "The Altruists", "Shore
Leave", "The Wines of Earth", "Asking", "Graveyard
Shift", "Fort Iron", "The Goddess on the Street Corner", "An
Egg a Month from All Over", "The Death of Each Day" and

The Best of Margaret St. Clair
Published by Academy Chicago Publishers, 1985
Edited by Martin H. Greenberg
This book includes an introduction by the author entitled "Thoughts from My
Seventies" and contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Idris'
Pig", "The Gardener", "Child of Void", "Hathor's Pets",
"The Pillows", "The Listening Child", "Brightness Falls from the
Air", "The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles", "The Causes",
"An Egg a Month from All Over", "Prott", "New Ritual",
"Brenda", "Short in the Chest", "Horrer Howce", "The
Wines of Earth", "The Invested Libido", "The Nuse Man", "An
Old-Fashioned Bird Christmas" and "Wryneck, Draw Me".

The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales
Published by Dover Publications, 2019
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Rocket to
Limbo", "Piety", "The Hierophants", "The Gardener",
"Child of Void", "Hathor's Pets", "World of Arlesia",
"The Little Red Owl", "The Hole in the Moon", "The Causes",
"The Island of the Hands", "Continued Story", "Brenda",
"Stawdust", "The Invested Libido", "The Autumn after Next"
and "The Sorrows of Witches".

A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair
Published by Library and Archives Canada, 2020
Edited by Christopher Broschell
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Birthright",
"Age of Prophecy", "Follow the Weeds", "World of Arlesia",
"The Thirsty God", "Stawdust", "The Hero Comes", "White
Goddess", "The Causes", "The Hole in the Moon", "An Egg a
Month from All Over", "The New Ritual", "The Listening Child",
"The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles", "Brightness Falls from the
Air", "Change the Sky", "Asking", "Personal Monster",
"The Wines of Earth", "Eithne", "The Death of Each Day",
"Graveyard Shift", "The Rations of Tantalus", "The Death
Wish", "The Way Back", "Starobin", "Squee",
"Vector", "Prott", "Horrer Howse", "The Nuse Man",
"The Airy Servitor", "Lochinvar", "Roberta", "Return
Engagement", "Garden of Evil", "Flowering Evil",
"Meem", "The Inhabited Men", "Fort Iron",
"Consumership", "The Anaheim Disease", "The Stroller",
"Piety", "The Dobridust", "Probate", "The Metal
Lark", "The Rotohouse", "The Himalaychalet", "The
Hierophants", "The Neo-Geoduck", "The Gardener", "The
Pillows", "The Everlasting Food", "The Replaced", "The
Unreliable Perfumist", "Crescendo", "The Scarlet Hexapod",
"Parallel Beans", "The Autumn after Next", "The House in Bel
Aire" and "Inauguration".

The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack
Published by Wildside Press, 2021
This book contains the following short stories and novelettes: "Flowering Evil",
"Garden of Evil", "Return Engagement", "The Autumn After
Next", "The Dancers" and "The Vanderlark".
Short Stories
"Letter from the Deceased"
Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine, March 1945
Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine (UK edition), September 1945
"The Perfectionist"
Mystery Book Magazine, May 1946
Best Detective Stories of the Year1947, ed.
David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1947
Stories They Wouldn't Let Me Do on TV, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Simon &
Schuster, 1957
Best of the Best Detective Stories, ed. David C. Cooke, Dutton, 1960
Stories of Suspense, ed. Mary E. MacEwen, Scholastic Book Services, 1963
"Pie for Supper"
Mystery Book Magazine, August 1946
"Rocket to Limbo"
Fantastic Adventures, November 1946
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"The Soma Racks"
Startling Stories, March 1947
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"The Little Lights"
Mystery Book Magazine, May 1947
"Motive for Murder"
Mammoth Detective, June 1947
"Super Whost"
Startling Stories, July 1947
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"The Stroller"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1947
S-F Yearbook, No. 1: A Treasury of Science Fiction, ed. Helen Tono, Popular
Library, Inc., 1967
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Whenever the Sun Shines"
Fantastic Adventures, October 1947
Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1947
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1947
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Black Cat Weekly, No. 69, December 2022
"Aleph Sub One"
Startling Stories, January 1948
Science Fiction Yearbook: No. 5, ed. Anne Keffer, Popular Library, Inc., 1971
New Eves: Science Fiction About the Extraordinary Women of Today and Tomorrow,
ed. Forrest J. Ackerman, Janrae Frank & Jean Marie Stine, Longmeadow Press, 1994
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"The Dobridust"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1948
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"Neighbor to a Nightmare"
Esquire, May 1948
Argosy (UK edition), April 1951 (this story is reprinted here under the title
"Murder on the Five Fifteen")
"The Metal Lark"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1948
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"Quis Custodiet ...?"
Startling Stories, July 1948
The Science Fiction Galaxy, ed. Groff Conklin, Permabooks, 1950
"The Rotohouse"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1948
Treasury of Great Science Fiction Stories: No. 1, ed. Jim Hendryx, Jr., Popular
Library, Inc., 1964
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"The Himalaychalet"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1949
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"The Hierophants"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1949
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Garden of Evil"
Planet Stories, Summer 1949
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
"Dreadful Dreamer"
Super Science Stories, July 1949
"The Sacred Martian Pig"
Startling Stories, July 1949
Three Worlds of Futurity, Ace Books, 1964 (this story is reprinted here under the
title "Idris' Pig")
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is reprinted here under the title "Idris' Pig")
"The Counter Charm"
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, August 1949
Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes, ed. Roger Elwood & Vic Ghidalia,
Follett Publishing Company, 1973
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Martin H. Greenberg
& Robert E. Weinberg, Gramercy Books, 1991
"The Neo-Geoduck"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1949
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This story forms part of the "Oona and Jick" series of interconnected tales.
"Bride of Eternity"
Super Science Stories, September 1949
Cosmic Science Stories, No. 11, 1950
"Nightmare Lady"
Dime Mystery Magazine, October 1949
"The Gardener"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1949
Worlds of Tomorrow, ed. August Derleth, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1955
Roots of Evil: Beyond the Secret Life of Plants, ed. Carlos Cassaba, Corgi Books,
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants, ed. Michel Parry,
Taplinger Publishing Company, 1976
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Nature's Warnings: Classic Stories of Eco-Science Fiction, ed. Mike Ashley,
British Library Publishing, 2020
"Child of Void"
Super Science Stories, November 1949
Invaders of Earth, ed. Groff Conklin, Vanguard Press, 1952
Tomorrow's Children, ed. Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1966
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, December 1949
"Hathor's Pets"
Startling Stories, January 1950
In the Grip of Terror, ed. Groff Conklin, Permabooks, 1951
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"The Family"
Weird Tales, January 1950
I Can't Sleep at Night, ed. Kurt Singer, Whiting & Wheaton, 1966
"World of Arlesia"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Winter/Spring 1950
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Corn Dance"
Weird Tales, March 1950
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 4, March 1950
"The Last Three Ships"
Weird Tales, May 1950
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 5, May 1950
Stories That Scared Even Me, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1967 (this story
is reprinted here under the title "The Estuary")
Scream Along with Me, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell Books, 1970 (this story is
reprinted here under the title "The Estuary")
Horror Gems: Volume Three, ed. Gregory Luce & Leanne Wray, Armchair Fiction,
"Flowering Evil"
Planet Stories, Summer 1950
Planet Stories (UK edition), No. 3, January 1951
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
Roots of Evil, ed. Jessie Chazin, M. Grant Kellermeyer, Timothy S. Miller &
Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
"The Pillows"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1950
Possible Worlds of Science Fiction, ed. Groff Conklin, Vanguard Press, 1951
Satellite Series: The Sands of Mars and Other Stories, No, 213, 1958
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes"
MacLean's, (exact issue date unknown) 1950
Stories Not for the Nervous, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1965
More Stories Not for the Nervous, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell Books, 1967
Stories Not for the Nervous: Book Two, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Pan Books, 1974
Children of the Future, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G.
Waugh, Raintree Publishers, 1984
Rod Serling's Night Gallery Reader, Martin H. Greenberg, Carol Serling &
Charles G. Waugh, Dembner Books, 1987
Heavy Weather: Tempestuous Tales of Stranger Climes, ed. Kevan Manwaring, British
Library Publishing, 2021
"Mrs. Hawk"
Weird Tales, No. 6, July 1950
Weird Tales (UK edition), February 1951
The Unexpected, ed. Leo Margulies, Pyramid Books, 1961
Planet Stories, Fall 1950
Planet Stories (Canadian edition), Fall 1950
Planet Stories (UK edition), No. 5, July 1951
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Invisible Reweaver"
Weird Tales, November 1950
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 8, December 1950
"The Everlasting Food"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1950
Three Worlds of Futurity, Ace Books, 1964
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Listening Child"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1950 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Anthony Boucher & J. Francis
McComas, Little, Brown and Company, 1952 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym
Idris Seabright)
Young Mutants, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh,
Harper & Row, 1984 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Professor Kate"
Weird Tales, January 1951
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 9, February 1951
Ghosts of the Heartland: Haunting, Spine-Chilling Stories from the American Midwest,
ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr. and Charles D. Waugh, Rutledge Hill Press,
Great American Ghost Stories, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr. and
Charles D. Waugh, Rutledge Hill Press, 1991
"Age of Prophecy"
Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, March 1951
Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories (UK edition), No. 2, 1951
Science-Fiction Adventures in Mutation, ed. Groff Conklin, Vanguard Press, 1955
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Then Fly Our Greetings"
Startling Stories, March 1951
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
"Brightness Falls from the Air"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1951 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1952, ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty,
Frederick Fell, 1952 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best Science Fiction: Third Series, ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty,
Grayson & Grayson, 1953 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK edition), February 1954 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Special Wonder: The Anthony Boucher Memorial Anthology of Fantasy and Science Fiction,
ed. J. Francis McComas, Random House, 1970
Special Wonder: Volume Two, ed. J. Francis McComas, Ballantine/Beagle Books, 1971
Galactic Empires: Volume One, ed. Brian W. Aldiss, Weidenfeld & Nicolson,
1976 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Science Fiction Century, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1997
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Replaced"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1951
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Follow the Weeds"
Imagination, June 1951
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Little Red Owl"
Weird Tales, July 1951
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 12, November 1951
Weird Tales, ed. Peter Haining, Neville Spearman, 1976
More Weird Tales, ed. Peter Haining, Sphere Books, 1978
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"The Inhabited Men"
Planet Stories, September 1951
The Future is Female!: 25 Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women, From Pulp Pioneers
to Ursula K. Le Guin, ed. Lisa Yaszek, The Library of America, 2018
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1951 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Beyond Human Ken, ed. Judith Merril, Random House, 1952 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Stories My Mother Never Told Me, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1953 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Alfred Hitchcock's Monster Museum, Random House, 1965 (this story is printed here
under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Nine Strange Stories, ed. Betty M. Owen, Scholastic Book Services, 1974 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Ghastly, Ghoulish, Gripping Tales, ed. Helen Hoke, Franklin Watts, 1983 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
100 Great Fantasy Short Stories, ed. Isaac Asimov, Terry Carr & Martin H.
Greenberg, Doubleday, 1984
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder, ed. David G. Hartwell, GuildAmerica Books,
The Fantasy Hall of Fame, ed. Robert Silverberg, HarperPrism, 1998
The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, ed. Ann Vandermeer &
Jeff Vandermeer, Tor, 2011
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Big Book of Modern Fantasy, ed. Ann Vandermeer & Jeff Vandermeer, Vintage
Books, 2020
Appendix N.: The Eldritch Roots of Dungeons & Dragons, ed. Peter Bebergal,
Strange Attractor Press, 2020
"The Bird"
Weird Tales, November 1951
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 14, February 1952
"The Way Back"
Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, November 1951
Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories (UK edition), No. 8, 1953
American Science Fiction, No. 12, 1953
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Return Engagement"
Imagination, January 1952
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
"The Dancers"
Planet Stories, January 1952 (this story is printed here under the house
pseudonym Wilton Hazzard)
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
"The Vanderlark"
Planet Stories, January 1952
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
"The Hole in the Moon"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1952 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Second Series, ed. Anthony Boucher
& J. Francis McComas, Little, Brown and Company, 1953 (this story is printed here
under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Vulcan's Dolls"
Startling Stories, February 1952
Agent of the Unknown, Ace Books, 1956
"The Muralist"
Startling Stories, May 1952
Science Fiction Yearbook: Number 3, ed. Helen Tono, Popular Library, Inc., 1969
"The Causes"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1952 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Robert P. Mills, Doubleday, 1960
(this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Tales from the Spaceport Bar, ed. Darrell Schweitzer & George H. Scithers,
Avon Books, 1987
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Island of the Hands"
Weird Tales, September 1952
Weird Tales (UK edition), No. 19, January 1953
Three Worlds of Futurity, Ace Books, 1964
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
Queens of the Abyss: Lost Stories from the Women of the Weird, ed. Mike Ashley,
British Library Publishing, 2020
"An Egg a Month from All Over"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1952 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Magpie, March 1953 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris
Human?, ed. Judith Merril, Lion Books, 1954 (this story is printed here under the
pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales, ed. Isaac Asimov & Groff Conklin, Collier
Books, 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy, ed. Christopher Cerf, Vintage Books,
1966 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Continued Story"
Space Stories, October 1952
Great Science Fiction Stories: Number 3, ed. Jim Hendryx, Jr., Popular Library,
Inc., 1966
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"New Ritual"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1953 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Third Series, ed. Anthony Boucher
& J. Francis McComas, Doubleday, 1954 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym
Idris Seabright)
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Cosmic Horror Monthly, No. 51, September 2024
Galaxy, January 1953
Galaxy (UK edition), Vol. 3, No. 5, 1953
Science Fiction Terror Tales, ed. Groff Conklin, Gnome Press, 1955
Best SF, ed. Edmund Crispin, Faber and Faber, 1955
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Big Book of Science Fiction: The Ultimate Collection, ed. Ann Vandermeer
& Jeff Vandermeer, Vintage Books/Black Lizard, 2016
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Unreliable Perfumist"
Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1953
S-F Yearbook: Number 1, ed. Helen Tono, Popular Library, Inc., 1967
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Thirsty God"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1953 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Crossroads in Time, ed. Groff Conklin, Permabooks, 1953 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK edition), November 1953 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Espadrilles"
Famous Fantastic Mysteries Combined with Fantastic Novels Magazine, April 1953
"Judgment Planet"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1953 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK edition), January 1954 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Australian edition), No. 2, 1955
(this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
"The Goddess on the Street Corner"
Beyond Fantasy Fiction, September 1953
Beyond Fantasy Fiction (UK edition), Vol. 1, No. 2, 1954
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment, ed. Kathryn Cramer & David G.
Hartwell, St. Martin's Press, 1988
"The Altruists"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1953 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK edition), March 1954
Portals of Tomorrow: The Best Tales of Science Fiction and Other Fantasy, ed.
August Derleth, Rinehart, 1954 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
"The Monitor"
Startling Stories, January 1954
Startling Stories (UK edition), No. 17, March 1954
Wonder Stories, Vol. 45, No. 1, ed. Jim Hendryx, Jr., Better Publications, Inc.,
Wonder Stories, Vol. 45, No. 2, ed. Jim Hendryx, Jr., Better Publications, Inc.,
Weird Tales, March 1954
Twisted, ed. Groff Conklin, Belmont Books, 1962
Monster Festival, ed. Eric Protter, Vanguard Press, 1965
More Little Monsters, ed. Roger Elwood & Vic Ghidalia, Manor Books, 1973
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
Rod Serling's Night Gallery Reader, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Carol Serling &
Charles G. Waugh, Dembner Books, 1987
Nursery Crimes, ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Martin H. Greenberg & Robert
Weinberg, Barnes and Noble Books, 1993
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
Cosmic Horror Monthly, No. 46, April 2024
"Finders Keepers"
Startling Stories, Summer 1954
"Short in the Chest"
Fantastic Universe, July 1954 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym
Idris Seabright)
Operation Future, ed. Groff Conklin, Permabooks, 1955 (this story is printed here
under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
17 X Infinity, ed. Groff Conklin, Dell Books, 1963 (this story is printed here
under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Metal Smile, ed. Damon Knight, Belmont Books, 1968 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Alpha 6, ed. Robert Silverberg, Berkley Medallion, 1976 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Science Fiction of the Fifties, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander,
Avon Books, 1979
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Women of Wonder, the Classic Years: Science Fiction by Women from the 1940s to the
1970s, ed. Pamela Sargent, Harvest/Harcourt Brace, 1995
"The Rations of Tantalus"
Fantastic Universe, July 1954
Worlds of When, ed. Groff Conklin, Pyramid Books, 1962
Three Worlds of Futurity, Ace Books, 1964 (this story is reprinted here under the
title "The Rages")
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Marriage Manual"
Startling Stories, Fall 1954
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
"Bannion's Cave"
Stories Annual, ed. Alexander Samalman, Standard Magazines, Inc., 1955
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1955
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Change the Sky"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1955 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women, Volume 2 (1953-1957), ed. Gideon Marcus,
Journey Press, 2022
"Mistress of Viridis"
Universe Science Fiction, No. 10, March 1955
The Green Queen, Ace Books 1956
"Personal Monster"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1955 (this story is
printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Menace of the Monster: Classic Tales of Creatures from Beyond, ed. Mike Ashley,
British Library Publishing, 2019 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Startling Stories, Fall 1955
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1955 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Fort Iron"
Science Fiction Quarterly, November 1955
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Death Wish"
Fantastic Universe, June 1956
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Horrer Howce"
Galaxy, July 1956
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 42, 1956
The Fourth Galaxy Reader, ed. Horace H. Gold, Doubleday, 1959
The Freak Show, ed. Peter Haining, Rapp & Whiting, 1970
Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction, ed. Martin H. Greenberg,
Joseph D. Olander & Frederick Pohl, Playboy Press, 1980
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Great SF Stories: 18, ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Daw Books,
Horror Gems: Volume 11, ed. Gregory Luce, Armchair Fiction, 2016
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"White Goddess"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1956 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Australian edition), No. 10, 1957
(this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Br-r-r-!, ed. Groff Conklin, Avon Books, 1959 (this story is printed here under
the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Stories Not for the Nervous, ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Random House, 1965 (this story
is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Original Science Fiction Stories, September 1956
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1956 (this story is
printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Australian edition), No. 11, 1957
(this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Hero Comes"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1956 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Science Fiction Quarterly, February 1957
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Courier"
Double-Action Detective Stories, No. 6, Spring 1957
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1957 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Future Science Fiction, No. 34, Fall 1957
Future Science Fiction (UK edition), No. 2, 1958
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Wines of Earth"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 1957 (this story is
printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Seventh Series, ed. Anthony Boucher,
Doubleday, 1958 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women, Volume 2 (1953-1957), ed. Gideon Marcus,
Journey Press, 2022
Future Science Fiction, No. 35, February 1958
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
Fantastic Universe, April 1958
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Death of Each Day"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1958 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Venture Science Fiction (UK edition), November 1965 (this story is printed here
under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"To Please the Master"
Space Travel, July 1958
"The Invested Libido"
Satellite Science Fiction, August 1958
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"The Ultimate Accessory"
The Dude, September 1958
Future Science Fiction, No. 40, December 1958
Future Science Fiction (UK edition), No. 7, 1959
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Love Tonight, Die Tomorrow"
Double-Action Detective and Mystery Stories, No. 14, January 1959
"The Anaheim Disease"
The Original Science Fiction Stories, January 1959
The Original Science Fiction Stories (UK edition), No. 8, 1959
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Nembutal Tree"
The Gent, February 1959
If, February 1959
"Graveyard Shift"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1959 (this story is printed
here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK edition), January 1960 (this
story is printed here under the pseudonym Idris Seabright)
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Lost One"
The Dude, September 1959
"The Scarlet Hexapod"
If, September 1959
If (UK edition), September 1959
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Nuse Man"
Galaxy, February 1960
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 78, 1960
The Sixth Galaxy Reader, ed. Horace L. Gold, Doubleday, 1962
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Autumn After Next"
If, January 1960
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Margaret St. Clair Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press, 2021
"The Airy Servitor"
Galaxy, April 1960
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 79, 1960
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
This short story is a sequel to "The Nuse Man".
"Parallel Beans"
If, September 1960
If (UK edition), No. 6, September 1960
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"Treasure Chest"
The Gent, October 1960
"The House in Bel Aire"
If, January 1961
If (UK edition), No. 8, January 1961
House Shudders, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Daw Books, 1987
Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1997
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"The Sexth Sense"
The Gent, June 1961
Please note that it has not been possible to ascertain whether this piece is an article or
a short story.
Galaxy, August 1961
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 87, 1961
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
"An Old-Fashioned Bird Christmas"
Galaxy, December 1961
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 89, 1962
The Seventh Galaxy Reader, ed. Frederik Pohl, Doubleday, 1964
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
Christmas Magic, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1994
Galaxy, October 1962
Galaxy (UK edition), No. 94, 1962
Three Worlds of Futurity, Ace Books, 1964
A Compendium of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Christopher Broschell, Library and
Archives Canada, 2020
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1966
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
"Shore Leave"
Change the Sky and Other Stories, Ace Books, 1974
"The Shadow of Horns"
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1974
"Places to Crawl Through"
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1979
"The Sorrows of Witches"
Amazons!, ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Daw Books, 1979
The Hole in the Moon and Other Tales, ed. Ramsey Campbell, Dover Publications,
"Wryneck, Draw Me"
Chrysalis 8, ed. Roy Torgeson, Doubleday, 1980
The Best of Margaret St. Clair, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Academy Chicago
Publishers, 1985
"The Hashed Brown Buggy"
Chrysalis 9, ed. Roy Torgeson, Doubleday, 1981
"La extraña tienda"
Antologia del horror y el misterio 4, ed Tomás Doreste, Grijalbo, 1990
This short story was translated into Spanish by Tomás Doreste. The original, English
language title of this story is not known.
Email: marks3789@gmail.com
Copyright © 2024 Richard Simms
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